
Monday, May 11, 2015

Poll: 66% of Greeks Favor Deal, 31% Want Rift with Europe

A new opinion poll shows that 66 percent of Greek citizens want the government to come to an agreement with international creditors, while almost 31 percent would like a rift with Europe. The poll was conducted by MARC and also shows that the trust of Greeks in the way the government handles negotiations is waning, with 54.2 saying that the SYRIZA government follows the right strategy when the percentage in February was 81.5. Also, 43.3 percent believe that the negotiation strategy is wrong. With negotiations progressing at an alarmingly slow pace amid the fear of default, 65.9 percent of participants want to see the government making compromises and coming to a deal with lenders. At the same time, 30.7 percent want Greece to come to a rift with lenders. At the same time, 56.7 percent answered that the government should stick to the “red lines” (13th pension, minimum wage increase, collective bargaining etc) and not back down, even if tha was a deal breaker. On the contrary, 39.3 percent said that the government must cross the red lines if that would secure an agreement. If elections were to be held now, SYRIZA leads again with 36.2 percent, followed by New Democracy at 21 percent.  The River would be third party with 6.7 percent, Golden Dawn at 5.4 percent, The Greek Communist Party (KKE) at 5 percent, followed by coalition partners Independent Greeks at 4.1 percent, PASOK at 3.1 percent, the Center Union with 1.5 percent, the Social Democrats Movement (KIDISO) at 1.3 percent and finally ANTARSYA at 1 percent. Evaluating the government, 53.2 percent answered that it has a good track record, while 42.8 percent said that they are not satisfied with its performance so far. Again, the government popularity has dropped as in the same questions in February the corresponding percentages were 83.6 and 13.2 percent. When asked how the government is doing with respect to their initial expectations, 47.6 percent of participants answered “worse”, 30.1 percent answered “better” and 18.7 percent answered “as I expected.”