
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Prison Bill Opens Way for Release of ‘November 17′ Member Savvas Xeros

The new prison bill being currently under the government’s consideration will pave the way for “November 17″ key figure and convicted terrorist Savvas Xeros’ release, 13 years after his arrest, due to health reasons. The Greek Justice Minister Nikos Paraskevopoulos tabled yesterday the reform bill for public consultation, which among others include the closure of “Type-C” maximum security prisons as well as the release of inmates who are heavily disabled or ill. The above will benefit 53-year-old Savvas Xeros, who has been convicted to five consecutive life sentences plus an additional 25 years after being found guilty for five assassinations, armed robberies, bomb plannings and participation in Greece’s largest urban guerilla organization, “November 17.” Xeros suffers from multiple scleroses and has lost most of his sight. He is one of three siblings convicted 10 years ago for participating in the terrorist group’s activities, while his brother Christodoulos Xeros was arrested again early January after he escaped Korydallos prison and was on the run since January 2014, after violating his leave from Korydallos prison. On June 29 2002 the Greek police captured an injured suspect, Savvas Xeros, following a failed bombing attempt on the Minoan Flying Dolphins ferry company offices at Piraeus. A search of Xeros’ person and interrogation led to the discovery of two safe houses and to the arrests of six more suspects, among them his two brothers.