
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Tsipras, Cameron Discuss Eurozone, Ukrainian Crisis

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras had a meeting with his British counterpart David Cameron in Brussels on Thursday, on the sidelines of the EU summit. According to Greek government sources, Cameron said he was closely following the talks concerning Greece’s program and noted the need for stability in the Eurozone. He also offered the UK’s assistance in providing knowhow on improving tax inspection mechanisms and fighting tax evasion in Greece. During the meeting, Cameron said that Greece and the Eurozone must work together to find a solution, British government sources said. Cameron urged Greece and the Eurozone to act responsibly and expressed concern that a new crisis in the Eurozone could negatively impact the British economy. The two Prime Ministers additionally discussed the developments in Ukraine and the need to secure peace and stability in the region. British sources said that Tsipras agreed that the EU must examine the situation arising after the agreed ceasefire in Minsk before re-examining the possibility of new sanctions. “Tsipras told Cameron that Greece wishes to preserve the EU’s unity against Russian aggressiveness,” the British sources said. (source: ana-mpa)