
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Greek Defense Minister Concludes Visit to Cyprus

Greece’s Defense Minister Panos Kammenos concluded his two-day visit to Cyprus on Thursday and returned to Athens. Shortly before his departure, Kammenos and his Cypriot counterpart Christoforos Fokaides had a meeting with the Presidential Commissioner for Humanitarian and Overseas Affairs Fotis Fotiou and a spokesman for the Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus, Nestoras Nestoros. The meeting focused on the progress of investigations to determine the fate of those missing since the 1974 Turkish invasion on northern part of the island but no statements were made afterward. Earlier, the Greek Minister had met with family members of slain journalist Theophilos Georgiades, who was murdered in the 90s for his action in support of the Kurds, and also laid a wreath at the Makedonitissa Tomb monument. He then visited the base of the Hellenic Force in Cyprus (ELDYK) where he was briefed on its operational capability and laid a wreath at the monument for the fallen. Kammenos was accompanied by Deputy Minister of State Terrence Quick, Cypriot Defense Ministry General Director Christos Malikkidis, Hellenic National Defense General Staff chief Gen. Mikhail Kostarakos, Cypriot National Guard General Staff chief Lieut. Gen. Georgios Basiakoulis and Greece’s Ambassador to Cyprus Vassilis Papaioannou. (source: ana-mpa)