
Friday, February 27, 2015

SYRIZA MPs Ask for Personal State Cars

One of Alexis Tsipras‘ first moves when he became prime minister was to cut state expenses by selling government vehicles used by politicians and cutting down on personal security for members of parliament. In general, he urged his cabinet and MPs to lead a frugal life in tune with the economic and humanitarian crisis. Yet, after one month in power, several members of the SYRIZA parliamentary group asked from parliament president Zoe Konstantopoulou to be provided with state cars, while complaining that the reduction in personal security is a risk, according to a report in citing unnamed sources. According to the report, MPs claimed that a state vehicle is necessary for work, while others said that they don’t have the means to buy a car of their own. Others argued that they may resort to using public transportation. Some MPs proposed that the state provides cars only to those who meet certain financial criteria. According to the report, some urged the parliament president to disregard the prime minister’s statement and grant state cars to cabinet and parliament members. Along with the requests for state vehicles, several SYRIZA MPs complained about the reduction of personal security from two police officers to one. On her part, Konstantopoulou promised that despite the fact that the budget for state cars will be reduced, the benefit of state cars for parliament members will remain. The report generated a reaction in Greek society. Many caustic and sarcastic remarks were made in social media accusing the politicians for claiming they are leftists and sympathize with the suffering Greek people, while at the same time want to enjoy the luxuries their position can provide.