
Friday, February 27, 2015

Greek State Minister: ERT Bill May be Tabled in Parliament Next Week

The maturing IMF bonds will be covered, Greek State Minister Nikos Pappas said on Friday. He said that the government and the partners have the political will to find a solution and noted that the possibility of extending what is being owed to the IMF is not being considered. The government has pledged, through a Eurogroup decision too, that it would meet its loan obligations, he noted and added that the partners have also committed themselves to that. He said that “the fiscal gap will be clarified, not in absentia of the primary surplus and that the country will enter a normalcy period.” He accused German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble of taking an extreme and aggressive stance against Greece and spoke of factors that tried to undermine the government. He said that the VAT will not be increased and that the legislation on property will be rather delayed. He added that the bill on the former state broadcaster ERT will be possibly tabled in Parliament next week. This would provide for a small increase in charges to be imposed through the electricity bills so that the former state broadcaster can reopen, he said and added that as far as hirings are concerned the priority would be given to those who had been laid off from the Greece’s old ERT. Under the bill: – Those made redundant on the 11th of June 2013 will return if they wish to – ERT will be functioning based on a democracy foundation aimed at improving the quality of the provided information, cultural and entertainment program. – There is no additional financial burden on the state budget and therefore does not become subject of bargaining developments created. – The shameful Public TV – NERIT exposed the country internationally and the Greek nation never approved nor trusted them. – Both necessary frameworks for resolving succession and for the control of financial data and activities for the purpose of smooth and streamlined operation simultaneously of ERT are being created. – An essential annual framework of reconstruction during which altogether will resolve management issues, operations, organization staff and broadcast of the program, in order to move into the new era of truly independent and pluralistic public broadcasting. Already, the Minister of State responsible on MEDIA issues has launched consultation on a daily basis with all stakeholders and individuals in order for ERT to operate immediately.