
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

EU Foreign Ministers to Discuss Further Sanctions Against Russia

The foreign ministers of the European Union (EU) member states are planning to expand the sanctions against Russia in view of the renewed escalation of violence in Ukraine. This becomes clear from the draft conclusions of the foreign ministers that is to take place on Thursday, EUobserver reports. According to the draft conclusions, the foreign ministers are to discuss the extension of the blacklist by adding more names to it as well as consider the possibilities of new economic sanctions. The ministers are planning on condemning the recent rocket attack on Mariupol, which claimed the lives of 30 civilians and blame Russia for it. They are to insist on Russia to comply with the provisions of the Minsk ceasefire agreement, which calls for the withdrawal of foreign armed forces and military equipment. Any new sanctions have to be approved with unanimity, which becomes questionable as the newly-elected Greek government has already expressed opposition to any further sanctions against Russia. Other member states that have expressed similar concerns in the past include Austria, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Hungary, France, Luxembourg and Slovakia.