
Monday, December 22, 2014

SYRIZA, ANEL, DIMAR Reject Greek PM Proposals

In an announcement released on Sunday evening, main opposition SYRIZA rejected Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras’ public call for consensus and his proposal to broaden the government’s composition until the next national elections, to take place by the end of 2015. “Mr. Samaras, having realized that he will not be able to secure the 180 votes needed to elect a President for the Republic, decided to reiterate his already known suggestions, interspersed with plenty of attacks against SYRIZA,” said the main opposition’s announcement. According to SYRIZA, Greece ‘s Prime Minister is afraid of people’s judgment, which he finally won’t be able to avoid. Independent Greeks (ANEL) leader Panos Kammenos rejected PM Samaras’ public proposal as well. “Following his failure to attract MPs through invitations, threats and bribery attempts, Mr. Samaras auctions ministerial positions,” said Kammenos, to add that “he must realize he [the MP] belongs to the past, as long as the country is concerned. It’s time for him to return to his political wilderness.” Democratic Left (DIMAR) announced that it also rejects Samaras’ proposal while independent MP Vassilis Kapernaros stated to Athens-Macedonian News Agency that he does not intend to vote in favor of coalition government Presidential candidate Stavros Dimas on Tuesday.