
Monday, December 22, 2014

Klaus Regling: Higher Uncertainty in Greece

“Higher uncertainty seems to exist in Greece in comparison with Spain, Portugal and Ireland, where governments have changed but the adjustment program continued with small changes. Governments supported the overall direction and therefore the markets were appeased,” stated the head of ESM/EFSF, Klaus Regling, to Greek newspaper “Kathimerini.” He also noted that the markets are monitoring the political condition in every country and it is “reasonable for them to worry more when the main opposition has radically different views.” Regling said that Greece is the Eurozone’s champion of reforms and stated that the “differences with the Troika are not only on fiscal issues but also on the progress of the restructuring reforms,” adding that the decision for the settlement of tax payment in 100 installments took the Troika by surprise. (source: ana-mpa)