
Monday, December 1, 2014

Man Dies Inside Gun Shop in Central Greece

A tragic incident took place in Lamia, central Greece, on Monday morning at approximately 9 p.m. A 39-year-old man was accidentally killed. According to local news, the 39-year-old man and father of two children, Kostas Verakis (photo) was the owner of a hunting/fishing gear shop in the south of Lamia. Early this morning he was visited by a close friend, a 45-year-old doctor. The two men used to go hunting together and the doctor had come to the shop in order to see his friend and to sort out some business regarding his hunting license which had expired. Furthermore, he also wanted to have his gun cleaned and oiled. Under unknown circumstances the gun back fired causing a gunshot to the owner in the chest. An ambulance was immediately alerted and arrived on scene, transferring the 39-year-old man to the hospital of Lamia. Shortly after the shop owner took his last breath. Greek police are currently interrogating the man’s friend — who appears to be in shock — in order to determine how the incident occurred.