
Monday, December 1, 2014

Deputy Melas Leaves from Independent Greeks (ANEL) Parliamentary Group

The Greek Parliament has now a total of 24 independent deputies, after MP Panagiotis Melas left the Independent Greeks (ANEL) parliamentary group. After Melas’ resignation from the party, ANEL comprises 12 deputies. Of the 24 independent deputies, 16 have joined the parliamentary group of Independent Democratic Deputies as opposed to the remaining 8 who are still fully independent MPs. Melas’ decision to become an independent deputy follows his public statement that in the Greek President’s election he will act according to his conscience and the subsequent reaction of the party president Panos Kammenos. Melas in a radio interview earlier in the day attributed his decision to the reactions against his position on the Greek President’s election and relates his stance to ANEL MP Stavroula Xoulidou’s statements. (source: ana-mpa)