
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The New Syntagma Square

Finally, Syntagma Square, the great cultural focal point of central Athens, Greece, has been fully restored following years of vandalism and rioting. The last few years of political protest have seen the Square’s marble tiles dismantled, its fountains destroyed and its statues covered in graffiti. The recent restoration project has gone a long way in returning to the Square its original beauty and urban grace. The municipality of Athens, together with the financial support of a private sponsor, proceeded with the replacement of all damaged marble, benches, and fountains, including the Square’s great central water sculpture. The vertical sides of the Square have also been restored, as well as the various gardens and shrubbery. The chief financier of the project is Thanasis Laskaridis, owner of the Grande Bretagne and King George, historic hotels located on Syntagma Square.