
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

New Special Beaches for Dogs

Legislation which would allow pets to roam public beaches has found a new supporter in Greek Minister of Shipping and the Aegean Miltiades Varvitsiotis. The regulation, based on recommendations of the Greek Port Authority, foresees the creation of certain beaches and swimming areas designated for pets. According to the regulation, the beaches selected for this purpose must not be crowded and will not require an entrance fee. As part of the initiative, Varvitsiotis met on Wednesday with representatives of the Panhellenic Animal Welfare and Environmental Federation. Among other points, he called out the anachronistic nature of current laws. The Greek minister claims to have taken into consideration social media discussions, as well as concerns voiced by thousands of citizens on the issue. He also researched corresponding legislation in other European countries before drafting the proposal. He also noted that the dispersion of the Greek population and Greece’s vast coastline will help find an equitable solution for both humans and animals The representatives of the Panhellenic Federation of Environmental and Animal Welfare publicly thanked the minister for his initiative.