
Thursday, October 2, 2014

How Does The Average Greek Employee Spend His Salary?

When we discuss salaries in Greece today, we are basically referring to the skeletal remains of pre-crisis earnings. But even this reduced salary must somehow be spent on a monthly basis to cover families’ basic needs. Where exactly do Greeks spend their money? Data recently published by the Hellenic Statistical Authority, ELSTAT, is rather indicative of our habits. It also shows quantitatively just how far Greeks have shifted their financial focuses from fun to pure survival. As noted by “Ta Nea,” wage reductions have brought significant challenges to securing even basic necessities. The average Greek family focuses most of its efforts on housing needs. Then comes food. Planning for activities or non-essentials falls well short of 2008 levels. The data also shows that there is a significant decrease in expenditure on leisure, communication, durable goods and even such things as clothing and footware. Money spent on healthcare, alcoholic beverages and tobacco is fairly consistent with 2012 levels, however.