
Thursday, September 18, 2014

SYRIZA Leads Over New Democracy in Poll

According to a recent poll conducted by the University of Macedonia on behalf of SKAI television in Greece, opposition party SYRIZA is leading over New Democracy by six points. The poll was conducted on September 11-15 and shows that, in terms of voting intention, SYRIZA is leading with 24% over New Democracy that stands at 18%. Golden Dawn comes third with 6.5%, the Greek Communist Party (KKE), Potami and Elia stand at 5.5% each, Independent Greeks (ANEL) at 3% and Democratic Left (DIMAR) at 1%. The percentage of undecided voters stands at 21%. More specifically: SYRIZA 24% New Democracy 18% Golden Dawn 6.5% Elia 5.5% KKE 5.5% Potami 5.5% ANEL 3% DIMAR 1% Other 10% Undecided 21% SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras is considered most popular than Prime Minister Antonis Samaras (28% and 27% respectively). However, Potami leader Stavros Theodorakis is the most popular politician in Greece while the popularity of government Vice-President Evangelos Venizelos and DIMAR leader Fotis Kouvelis has dropped. Despite the fact that SYRIZA leads, 59% of Greeks believe that SYRIZA is not competent enough to govern the country. Furthermore, 54% of participants responded that “better development for the country” would be the dissolution of present Parliament, while 46% answered that the new President of the Hellenic Republic should be elected by the current House of Representatives. Approximately 52% of participants said that they were not satisfied with the PM’s announcements in Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF) while they believe that the state of Greek economy is getting worse. However, neither Tsipras’ announcements satisfied Greeks, as 53% of them said that his economic policies are not properly studied and therefore not applicable