
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Dijsselbloem: Third Bailout Program for Greece is Possible

Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the head of the Eurogroup, left open the possibility of a third bailout package for Greece two days after Wolfgang Schaeuble, the German Finance Minister, had made similar statements that caused the reaction of Greek government. “How much money Greece will need and what is going to be the basis of the new aid will be decided after the summer,” said the head of the Eurogroup in an interview on a Dutch TV Channel, following the line of the German Finance Ministry. “The Greek economy is doing better, but the debt is still high. If the interest rate remains high, Greece will need some help again,” stated Dijsselbloem. At the same time, he stressed that the budget of the country is considered satisfactory, while, talking about the positive aspects of the course of the Greek economy he referred to the growth potential of the tourism sector.