
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Dendias: 100,000 Illegal Immigrants Will be sent Home

Nikos Dendias, the Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection, speaking at an event organized by the Rotary Club of Athens, on Tuesday, stated that the Ministry is taking several measures to prevent illegal immigration and criminality in Greece. The minister claimed that more than 100,000 illegal immigrants will be sent back to their countries and that Greek borders will be shielded with electronic monitoring tools. Dendias talked about the mistakes committed in previous years in the areas of terrorism and illegal immigration and presented the  plans of his ministry. He stressed that Greece is a champion in tackling illegal immigration as by 2015 more than 100,000 illegal immigrants will be returning to their countries. At the same time, he mentioned the ways and means by which Greece is being protected from the illegal immigrants, saying that electronic monitoring tools have been installed along a large section of the Greek borders with Turkey in Evros. By the end of 2016, similar electronic systems will be installed across the entire borderline in Evros, but also in a large part of the borders in northern Greece. According to Dendias the “Operation Xenios Zeus” and the placement of 2,500 border guards in remote areas of the country have contributed in stemming the influx of illegal immigrants. Regarding criminality Dendias claimed that in 2012 it fell by 27% compared to 2011 when it had reached its peak, while in 2013 a further fall of approximately 30% was recorded.