
Monday, May 26, 2014

2014 Euro-Elections: The 21 Elected Greek MEPs

With a sufficient percentage of votes (about 8%) counted until Monday morning, May 26, we have the newly elected Greek MEPs of the 2014 Euro-elections held yesterday. From the 21 seats of Greece in the European Parliament, SYRIZA gets six seats, New Democracy five and the far-right Golden Dawn gets three seats. The socialist coalition Elia, the newly founded To Potami and the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) get two seats each, while the Independent Greeks (ANEL) gets one seat. According to the official figures, the 21 Greek MEPs of the 2014 Euro-elections are as follows: SYRIZA Manolis Glezos (28,165 votes) Sofia Sakorafa (17,456 votes) Dimitris Papadimoulis (11,327 votes) Konstantina Kouneva (9,677 votes) Giorgos Katrougalos (9,270 votes) Kostas Chrysogonos (8,919 votes) New Democracy Manolis Kefalogiannis (18,975 votes) Maria Spyraki (16,689 votes) Theodoros Zagorakis (15,288 votes) Eliza Vozemperg (12,317 votes) Giorgos Kyrtsos (12,212 votes) Golden Dawn Eleutherios Synadinos (6,125 votes) Lambros Fountoulis (4,894 votes) Georgios Epitideios (4,453 votes) ELIA – Democratic Alliance Nikos Androulakis (8,986 votes) Eva Kaili (8,794 votes) To Potami Giorgos Grammatikakis (5,156 votes) Miltos Kirkos (2,695 votes) Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Kostas Papadakis (5,416 votes) Sotiris Zarianopoulos (5,251 votes) Independent Greeks (ANEL) Notis Marias (2,587 votes)