
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Where Did the Money from Skorpios Island Go?

It has been almost a year since the legendary Skorpios island of Aristotle Onassis passed into the hands of Dmitry Rimpolovlef, as the Greek tycoon’s granddaughter needed cash and decided to sell it. But what did Athina Onassis do with the money she received from selling her grandfather’s property? The answer is “horses and stables!” According to sources, Athena Onassis invested the money she got from selling the Greek island in buying a stable. Not, of course, just any stable – but one of the most organized stables in Grand Prix Village in Wellington in the United States, where she intends to train her horses during the winter. The “golden” heir paid a lot more than the stable’s value; said to be worth about 3.8 million euros, she paid 12 million dollars to buy it. What’s more, the stable was not for sale until the moment that the Greek tycoon’s granddaughter expressed her interest. According to sources close to the former owner of the stable, “Mark had just built a new stable that cost him about two million dollars, while the total investment did not exceed six million dollars. So, it is natural that when someone comes and offers twice the money, he would not be able to refuse the proposal.” It is worth mentioning that last June, the richest man on earth, Bill Gates, bought a stable for his daughter’s horses for some 8.7 million dollars.