
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Three Out of Four Greeks are Without Jobs for 2.5 Years

The data on the effects of the Greek unemployment, conducted by research company Metron Analysis, show that 3 out of 4 people have been unemployed for about 2.5 years and the majority of them are high-level manpower. According to the survey, unemployment seems to mainly affect the wage workers and the self-employed while the majority prefer to seek employement in Greece. In particular, 72 percent of the unemployed stated that they would accept a job position even if that was lower than their expectations or qualifications. An even higher percentage of the unemployed (32 percent) believes that they would be better off if the Greek state exited the Eurozone. Today’s youth, when answering the question about whether they consider their lives better or worse than that of their parents, 44 percent of those polled stated that their lives seem worse, 36 percent stated that it seems better and 18 percent consider their lives to be identical to those of their parents. People between the ages of 24 to 34 appear to be the most pessimistic while people over the age of 65 seem to be the most optimistic. Regarding the psychological effects of unemployment, nine out of ten people feel insecurity and fear, six out of ten have feelings of aggression, four out of ten find that it has caused problems in their interpersonal relationships and only two out of ten stated that this situation makes them more determined to fight. About 74 percent of the unemployed claim that they are supported by their families, 18 percent that they depend on the dole, while 7 percent depend on charitable programs (soup kitchens etc.)