
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Flu Alert: 48 Greeks Dead from Flu Virus

The flu has been spreading rapidly in Greece and two more persons have died due to flu-related complications the last 24 hours, increasing the deaths to 48. Moreover, on Thursday, February 20, two new flu cases have been transferred to the intensive care units (ICU) of the hospitals. According to the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention (KEELPNO) that has been on the alert since the flu outbreak, 57 patients are now hospitalized in the ICU, from a total of 162 patients since the outbreak of the virus at the beginning of the year. The low vaccination coverage of persons prone to the virus and the late administration of antiviral medication are to be blamed for this critical condition in Greece. The KEELPNO specialists estimate that the flu virus is currently in high-activity. They suggest that people belonging to high-risk groups (children and infants, pregnant women, seniors, obese people, chronic patients) should get vaccinated against the flu and be administered with antiviral medication the moment they display flu-like symptoms. However, according to specialists, flu cases are expected to decrease within the next weeks because of the good weather predicted for the coming period.