
Thursday, February 6, 2014

One in Two Greeks Imagines Himself a Businessman

According to the Amway Global Entrepreneurship Report for the year 2013, one out of two Greeks imagines himself as a businessman. However, more than eight out of ten fear the possibility of failure and do not proceed with their business plans as they claim that the fear of failing is eventually the most significant obstacle in starting a business. The source of their fear appears to be the ongoing economic crisis that Greece has been facing since 2008. According to the survey, about 69 percent of Greeks maintain a positive attitude towards entrepreneurship, a rate that remains at the same levels as the international average of 70 percent, despite the slight decline compared to last year. At the same time, Denmark (89 percent), Finland (87 percent), Australia (84 percent) are the countries that noted the highest rates in terms of their positive attitude towards entrepreneurship. On the other hand, Austria (40 percent), Hungary (40 percent), Portugal (37 percent) and Germany (34 percent) are the countries ranking last in the entrepreneurship rate. Although 70 percent of Greeks fear the possibility of failure, the government is trying to encourage people to initiate a business with state subsidies and by offering education on entrepreneurship. Professor Panayiotis Petrakis claimed that the economic crisis had a catalytic impact on the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Greece and led to the reduction of the number of enterprises and employees. During the period 2011-2013, a total of 116,016 enterprises were established but only 34,406 managed to survive the crisis. Moreover, Evangelos Achilopoulos, Head of Policy Intervention Committee of the Federation of Hellenic Associations of Young Entrepreneurs (ESYNE) highlighted the benefits of making business initiatives. In addition, George Apostolopoulos, general manager of Amway Hellas, referred to the business model of direct sales and how this could contribute to the development of entrepreneurship in Greece. He also underlined that this is an exceptionally flexible and low risk business opportunity for everyone.