
Thursday, February 6, 2014

20 year-old Greek Girl Claims Gang Rape

A 20 year-old girl in Thessaloniki, Greece, went to police and claimed she was gang raped by four men. Greek police arrested them after they were identified by the young victim on a social network site. The perpetrators gave the young girl mephedrone, a synthetic stimulant drug, and she consequently fell unconscious. The victim knew one of the defendants, most of who appear to be of Albanian origin. The drug which the defendants gave the girl is also known as “meow- meow” and it is mostly traded via the internet. The four young men were set before a trial judge for their statements. Mephedrone, also known as “meow,” is produced mostly in China and is imported in Europe as “green manure.” Its low price makes it accessible to many users and has the same effect as ecstasy and amphetamines. It causes tachycardia, panic attacks, muscle spasms and hallucinations. The effect of the drug starts half an hour after the ingestion and lasts up to four hours.