
Friday, February 28, 2014

One in Two Doctors Out of New Greek Healthcare Network

One in two doctors in Greece decided not to participate in the new Primary National Health Network (PEDY), implemented by the Greek Minister of Health Adonis Georgiadis. They chose instead, to continue their private practice. The deadline for Greek Doctors to decide whether or not they will register with PEDY and the state-run outpatient network expired on February 28. Only 2,319 doctors in a total of 5,000 decided to register with the new healthcare network, when the rest preferred to continue their private practice. Health Minister assured Greek citizens that the new polyclinics won’t be understaffed as he will cover any gaps with supplementary doctors and medical staff. Moreover, doctors who do not want to register with PEDY will have the option to sign an agreement with EOPYY (National Organization for Healthcare Provision) in order to treat those insured with PEDY at their private practices. The big question now for Minister Adoniadis, is whether or not he will be able to operate the new polyclinics on March 20, as originally planned. An important meeting will be held on March 1, at the Ministry of Health, chaired by the Deputy Minister of Health Antonis Bezas. During the meeting the participants will assess doctors’ specialties by geographic region and decide how many supplementary doctors will be needed to properly run the polyclinics.