
Friday, February 28, 2014

Health Minister Unveils Details of Draft Omnibus Bill on Health in Greece

Greek Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis on Thursday unveiled planned measures to be included in draft omnibus bill on Greece’ s National Health System being prepared by the ministry, which he said would include evening surgical operations, along the lines of the afternoon doctors’ visits established in recent years. The omnibus bill also provides for a redistribution of hospital beds based on needs and public-private sector partnerships that will start with cleaning and catering services in hospitals. Speaking about the institution of evening surgeries on the sidelines of his meeting with the governors of the Regional Health Authorities and the governors of the hospitals, Georgiadis said that this measure will contribute to a better functioning of hospitals, as it will relieve a backlog in morning surgeries. While speaking to the governors, the minister stressed that their main concern must be to reduce waiting times for patients and provide the best possible service, monitor the flow of overdue debts and ensure the transparency of procurement tenders. He also praised a measure for assessments as a tool for the continuous improvement of health services. (source: ana-mpa)