
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Greek Minister of Interior Promotes European Treaty Against Racism

The Greek Minister of Interior Yiannis Michelakis announced his intentions of the signing of a treaty against racism (2014-2020) by the Member states with the participation of a representative of the European Commission within Greece’s six-month EU Presidency. As noted in Mr. Michelakis’ speech at the Meeting of Chairpersons of Committees on Justice and Home Affairs of the EU Parliaments, “our goal is to renounce in a most official and unequivocal way every form of discrimination and racism by forming a treaty against racism for the period 2014-2020, co-signed by the Ministers of the EU Member States.” According to him, the text of the Treaty is being processed and forms the continuation of the aforementioned Declaration of Rome signed on September 23, 2013 by representatives of seventeen Member States. By signing this Declaration, the European Parliament condemns any political program, organization and practice that promote xenophobia and racism.