
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Greek Minister of Culture Responds to George Clooney

The Greek Minister of Culture, Panos Panagiotopoulos, addressed a thank you letter to American actor George Clooney, after his recent statement regarding the Parthenon Marbles‘ return to Greece, during the Berlin Film Festival. “… As you mentioned, it is ‘fair and a good idea’ to return the looted Greek antiquities back to where they belong, at the Parthenon. It is fair not only because they belong to Greek culture and history but also because through our history they brighten the world’s culture,” said the Minister in his letter. “Hundreds of thousands of visitors from around the world admire the Parthenon each year as one of the greatest human achievements. However, at the same time they are witnesses to a historical desecration. There is only one decision that can right this injustice: the decision to return the Parthenon Marbles to their rightful place, from where they were illegally and forcibly taken. This request is supported by many leading historians and archeologists, citizen committees across Europe, the US, Australia and as a matter of fact it is supported by a large number of British nationals.” The Greek Minister of culture extended an invitation to the popular actor, to visit Greece, noting: “I hope you accept our invitation to spend some time in Greece, where you can explore all the Greek antiquities that have been kept intact. Furthermore, you can visit the Acropolis Museum which is located opposite the sacred rock, where the empty spaces are awaiting the return of the Parthenon Marbles.”