
Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Hidden Side of Pavlos Fyssas' Killing

ATHENS - In the early hours of September 18, Greek rapper Pavlos Fyssas was murdered by a Golden Dawn activist. It was one killing too many, which heralded the fall of the neo-Nazi party, whose implicit collusion with the state and ties with powerful figures are now coming to light. Excerpts. The photos on the living-room sideboard form a small shrine in memory of a lost son: Pavlos at his sister?s wedding, Pavlos in concert, Pavlos as a teenager... He was a fine looking boy with immense dark eyes, and a nice smile. ?Above all he had a big heart. Everyone took to him immediately,? murmurs his mother Magda, who appears hypnotized by these images of happy times. Behind her, Pavlos? father, Panagiotis, remains immured in grief and does not respond. Two knife wounds to the heart transformed their son into a symbol for the descent into criminality of far right party Golden Dawn, a movement which entered the Greek Parliament for the first time in 2012.