
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Sunday Openings Split Greeks, Workers

ATHENS ? While only one in four businesses reportedly took advantage of additional Sunday openings to operate on Nov. 3 as workers and retailers protested, the government declared it a success and said it will change the way stores run from now on. The additional pre-holiday openings on Sunday are the result of a relaxation of rules limiting operating hours, a reform demanded by Greece's foreign lenders want the recession-hit, debt-crushed economy to be more competitive. After opposition from small retailers and the Orthodox Church, the government backed away from allowing retailers to trade every Sunday and set a limit of seven a year instead of two as previously. About 500 shop employees, who fear they will be forced into more weekend work, marched through the main shopping district when the new rules came into force. They chanted 'No more austerity' and held banners reading 'Resist' and 'Never on Sunday'.