
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

FOTOGRAFIA: Mommy Knows Best

Greek mothers turned out en masse in 39 cities and towns across the country to take part in the Nov. 3 celebration of World Breastfeeding Week, supporting evidence that mother's milk is far superior to formula and that there's nothing wrong with feeding a child in public. It was also part of the 4th PanHellenic Public Breastfeed and this year drew 550 lactating mothers who came together to feed their children and demonstrate their support. At Zappion in the center of Athens, some 242 women breastfed their babies and children in public. The sponsors said the aim was awaken Greek society about the benefits of breastfeeding, and to support the new mommies who had the courage to do it in public. ?Our goal is for Greece to become a supportive and friendly country to public breastfeeding, which will embrace and support the new mother while she learns the art of breastfeeding,? stated the Panhellenic Network of Voluntary Groups of Support of Breastfeeding and Motherhood that organized the event.