
Monday, June 20, 2022

Moon, 66 Questions review – elusive but rewarding study of family tension

Jacqueline Lentzou’s highly anticipated debut feature follows a daughter struggling to reconnect with her ailing father Jacqueline Lentzou’s debut feature is a difficult, elusive, but ultimately rewarding study of a daughter struggling to reconnect with her father: it’s a film which – initially at least – appears to occlude its own meaning with mannerisms which I associate with the absurdist style of the Greek new wave. Sofia Kokkali plays Artemis, a young woman who has been away from her Athens family for a long time, but comes home when her father, Paris, (Lazaros Georgakopoulos ) suffers a stroke, rendering him hardly able to walk and all but speechless. Somehow, the responsibility of caring for Paris falls on Artemis while her extended family interview live-in caregivers and squabble about how to proceed. Meanwhile, her mother, estranged from Paris, seems detached from the whole situation, and Artemis is faintly disquieted to be reacquainted with an affectionate family friend: Iakovos (Nikitas Tsakiroglou). Continue reading...