
Saturday, April 9, 2022

What links Jon Pertwee and Cillian Murphy? The Saturday quiz

From Alexander the Great to an arctic fox, test your knowledge with the Saturday quiz 1 Which Caribbean dictator raised more than 2,000 statues to himself? 2 Which amphibian was introduced to Australia in 1935? 3 Which religion is divided into sky-clad and white-clad sects? 4 The Washington Generals were whose longtime opponents? 5 Which post-punk group was named after a Muriel Spark novel? 6 What are mapped on a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram? 7 A wager containing 57 individual bets is known as what? 8 Which shop was opened in 1964 by Barbara Hulanicki? What links: 9 Ray Bolger; Jon Pertwee; Cillian Murphy? 10 Last Greek letter; Roy Orbison; sexual climax? 11 Ptarmigan; stoat; mountain hare; arctic fox; collared lemming? 12 Otis; Schindler; Kone; TKE? 13 Alexander the Great; Charles the Bold; Don Carlos; Prince Charles? 14 China (1); Indonesia (3); USA (6); Russia (11)? 15 A Wizard of Earthsea; A Perfect Spy; Uncle Silas? Continue reading...