
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Covid news live: infections hit record highs across Europe; South Africa reinstates contact tracing and isolation

The UK, France, Portugal, Greece and Denmark break new daily cases records; South Africa recalls rules that no longer required people without Covid symptoms to isolate or test if in contact with a positive case * No new Covid restrictions in England before new year: Boris Johnson * Denmark world’s highest infection rate: 1,612 cases per 100,000 people * Omicron ‘not same disease’ as other Covid waves, UK scientist says * Biden says US Covid surge should be ‘a source of concern but not panic’ * CDC: those who test Covid positive with no symptoms isolate just 5 days * See all our coronavirus coverage The WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION has warned that the Omicron coronavirus variant could lead to overwhelmed healthcare systems even though early studies suggest it sparks milder disease. The WHO warned against complacency even though preliminary findings suggest that Omicron could lead to milder disease. A rapid growth of Omicron … even if combined with a slightly milder disease, will still result in large numbers of hospitalisations, particularly amongst unvaccinated groups, and cause widespread disruption to health systems and other critical services.” Continue reading...