
Thursday, August 5, 2021

World weatherwatch: deadly Turkey wildfires rage on

Greece, Italy and Bosnia also affected by wildfires caused by heatwave in south-east Europe At least eight people have been killed and dozens are in hospital as a result of wildfires in southern Turkey caused by a heatwave in south-east Europe over the last week. Peoples’ homes burned down and authorities evacuated resorts and villages as fires raged in 32 separate provinces. Greece, Italy and Bosnia have also been affected by wildfires over the last week as temperatures reached 40C-43C quite widely. South America saw an intense cold snap last week with unusual snow accumulations across parts of Brazil. The most widespread frosts since 1994 have been an exciting novelty for some, but for others it has been worrying. The cold spell has damaged crops and is estimated to have cost the coffee sector between £69m and £83m. Continue reading...