
Sunday, August 22, 2021

Coronavirus live news: UK public to be offered antibody tests for first time

Some people who test positive will be sent antibody tests in scheme to measure body’s response to different variants * UK scientists look at halving boosters to save vaccine for rest of the world * Tennessee radio host who criticised vaccine efforts dies of Covid * Cuba’s health system buckles under strain of overwhelming Covid surge * Wuhan lab leak theory more about politics than science * See all our coronavirus coverage 10.49am BST Scientists in BRITAIN are examining whether smaller doses of Covid vaccine could be used as part of booster programmes, amid hopes that the approach could also increase the supply of jabs across the world. The use of so-called “fractional doses” has been proposed as a way of ensuring that precious supplies can immunise as many people as possible in parts of the world where there are shortages, while still providing high levels of protection from the virus. Related: UK scientists look at halving boosters to save vaccine for rest of the world 10.29am BST The GREEK government has reiterated its pledge to avoid shuttering the economy again this autumn, saying it will instead seek to curb cases through the use of Covid passes for hospitality venues. Unvaccinated people will be unable to sit indoors in venues including restaurants, cafes, bars, theatres and cinemas, while those who have been inoculated will be required to show proof of vaccination. Continue reading...