
Saturday, July 3, 2021

Coronavirus live news: scrapping quarantine for double jabbed being considered; Vietnam reports highest daily total

Government looking at whether to drop self-isolation measures for double-jabbed; healthcare workers in Italy launch legal bid against requirement they get Covid vaccination, according to reports * Ministers urged to keep some restrictions in England after 19 July * Iran fears fifth wave of Covid cases linked to Delta variant * Thailand reports record Covid-19 cases amid fears over vaccine shortages * Delta variant poses threat to New Zealand’s Covid-free bubble * See all our coronavirus coverage 3.06pm BST A further 250,234 vaccinations have taken place in ENGLAND, including first and second doses, taking the total to 65,932,869 since the rollout began. Of the daily figure, 107,959 were first doses and 142,275 were second shots, NHS England said. A total of 37,859,897 have had an initial jab, while 28,072,972 are fully vaccinated. 2.47pm BST GREECE is considering vaccinating teenagers as cases begin to rise again, a scientific adviser to the government has said. Vana Papaevangelou, a member of the committee of infectious disease experts advising the government, said the group was considering advising the vaccination of 15- to 17-year-olds, Kathimerini newspaper reports. Continue reading...