
Friday, May 14, 2021

Coronavirus live news: Japan prefectures to declare emergency; calls for ‘surge vaccinations’ in UK

Japan will declare a state of emergency in three more prefectures; Greece launches tourism season; calls for ‘surge vaccinations’ in UK as India variant cases double * Call for ‘surge vaccinations’ as UK cases of India variant double * Delay in giving second jabs of Pfizer vaccine improves immunity * Eid al-Fitr celebrations muted as UK mosques adapt to pandemic * See all our coronavirus coverage 6.26am BST SINGAPORE HAS ANNOUNCED THE STRICTEST CURBS ON SOCIAL GATHERINGS AND PUBLIC ACTIVITIES since easing a lockdown last year, amid a rise in locally acquired infections and with new coronavirus clusters forming in recent weeks. The new measures announced by the health ministry, which will be effective from Sunday to mid June, include limiting social gatherings to two people and ceasing dining in at restaurants. 6.15am BST A TAIWAN-MADE VACCINE WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR RESIDENTS BY THE END OF JULY, president Tsai Ing-wen has said today, writes our correspondent in Taiwan, HELEN DAVIDSON. Taiwan has remained largely unscathed by the pandemic, but has been slow on vaccine procurement, rollout and community take-up. The phase two clinical trials of Taiwan-made vaccines are nearing completion. We expect the first vaccine to be ready in late July. Continue reading...