
Saturday, April 3, 2021

Godspeed You! Black Emperor: G_d’s Pee at State’s End! review – requiems for a saner world

(Constellation) With global events confirming their long-held worldview, the Canadian prophets of doom sound angrier, sadder and more beautiful than ever Named after a documentary about a Japanese biker gang, Godspeed You! Black Emperor fulfil a role in popular music akin to that of Chicken Little or the ancient Greek prophetess Cassandra, a seer whose doomy foresights came with the curse of being disbelieved. Punk rock in spirit if not in sound, the Canadian instrumental ensemble have steadfastly channelled doom, joy, gallows humour and a excoriating critique of modern times off and on since 1994. Godspeed’s seventh album, coming as it does after a year of collective fear, suffering and permanently upended certainties, finds this extraordinary band at their angriest, saddest and most beautiful – energised, you might say, by the mirroring of their own internal weather in world events. Continue reading...