
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Ministry of Foreign Affairs announcement on the Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ intervention in the Parliamentary Conference of the MED7 group of countries (3 March 2021)

Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias participated today, online, in the Inter-Parliamentary Conference of the MED7 group of countries. In his intervention, the Minister underscored that this year’s meeting is of particular importance, given the developments in the Mediterranean region. In this context, he referred to a number of common challenges, including terrorism, organized crime and border security. The Minister of Foreign Affairs made special reference to the hybrid threats to the region, prominent among which is the instrumentalization of migration by Turkey against Greece and Cyprus. He stressed that a positive EU-Turkey agenda is only feasible if Turkey manifests, in a consistent manner, constructive engagement in the region, in compliance with International Law and EU standards. In this context, he noted that the sanctions should remain on the table, ready to be imposed as an instrument to permanently deter illegal and provocative behaviour. The Minister stressed that, in order to achieve security, stability and cooperation in the Mediterranean region, the Cyprus issue should be resolved as soon as possible. He made special reference to Greece’s cooperation mechanisms with other states in the Eastern Mediterranean, highlighting that these mechanisms are not directed against any other country and are open to all countries in the region that wish to participate, on condition of respect of the principles of International Law. Regarding Libya, he reiterated that it is Greece’s firm stance that all foreign forces must withdraw from the country. Moreover, referring to the developments in the Middle East, he underscored the need for the European Union to intensify its efforts to find a political solution in Syria, while also noting that the Abraham Accords create new conditions for the Middle East Peace Process. Finally, he noted that Greece wants to organize the 2021 MED7 Summit in Crete around two axes: Security and Sustainability in the Mediterranean region. Read the complete transcript of the Foreign Minister’s intervention here.