
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Interview of Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis on Thema 104.6 FM, with journalist Ilias Siakantaris (14 March 2021)

“Turkey wants to play on à-la-carte terms. But this is not acceptable to the EU or the U.S.,” Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis stressed in his interview with Proto Thema radio’s Ilias Siakantaris. “If Turkey wants a better relationship with the EU and in the context of NATO, it has to stop its provocative actions,” he pointed out. Regarding the 62nd round of exploratory talks, he underscored that Greece wants there to be a channel for dialogue with Turkey. Regarding EU-Turkey relations, he noted that Turkey is the first item on the agenda for the EU General Affairs Council and the European Council meeting of 25 and 26 March. “This,” he said, “makes Greece a central player in this framework of decisions that concern the whole of Europe.” Finally, referring to the upsurge in violence in recent days, as well as the demonstrations taking place in the midst of the pandemic, he underscored that “some people are investing in creating a political circus and a mindset of fear. They will not succeed! The political forces must stand united against violence and attempts to create tensions.” In this regard, he recalled the Prime Minister’s statement that we are at war with the pandemic, praising the contribution of the medical and health professionals who are doing daily battle to save the lives of our fellow human beings.