
Friday, March 19, 2021

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Konstantinos Vlasis to visit Istanbul for the enthronement of Metropolitan Emmanuel as Metropolitan Elder of Chalcedon and for the Sunday of Orthodoxy feast day

In the context of his Religious and Church Affairs portfolio, Deputy Minister Konstantinos Vlasis will carry out a visit to Istanbul, where, on Saturday, 20 March 2021, he will attend the enthronement of Metropolitan Emmanuel as Metropolitan Elder of Chalcedon. On 21 March, the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the Deputy Minister will attend the Patriarchal and Synodic Liturgy at the Holy Church of Saint George in Fanar, at which Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will officiate.Mr. Vlasis will also visit the Halki Seminary and the Prinkipo Orphanage, and his itinerary includes meetings with community and educational organizations of the Greek Minority of Istanbul.