
Thursday, March 11, 2021

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Konstantinos Vlasis visits Venice to attend the enthronement of Metropolitan Polykarpos of Italy (11 March 2021)

On Thursday, 11 March, as part of his responsibilities for Religious and Church Affairs, Deputy Minister Konstantinos Vlasis attended the enthronement of His Eminence Metropolitan Polykarpos of Italy and Exarch of Southern Europe, which took place at the Church of San Giorgio dei Greci in Venice, Italy. During his brief address, the Deputy Minister praised the extensive pastoral work carried out by Metropolitan Polykarpos during his fourteen consecutive years as head of the Metropolis of Spain and Portugal, and conveyed to the new Metropolitan the best wishes of the Greek State for a long and fruitful ministry at the Metropolis of Italy to the benefit of Hellenism, the Church and its Orthodox faithful.