
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis meets with the Ambassadors of the Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and of the Netherlands (Monday, 8 March 2021)

The Greek Prime Minister’s proposal for the adoption of a common European vaccination certificate and EU-Turkey relations were, among other subjects, the focus of today's working meeting between Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis and the Ambassadors of Sweden, Mrs Charlotte Sammelin, Denmark, Mr Klavs Holm, Finland, Mr Jari Gustafsson, Norway, Mr Frode Overland Andersen, and the Netherlands, Mrs Stella Ronner-Grubacic.During the meeting, issues of European interest were discussed ahead of the General Affairs Council of 23 March and the European Council meeting of 25 and 26 March, as well as regional issues.Touching on the European response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular, Mr Varvitsiotis defended the initial decision for a joint procurement of vaccines at the European level. However, he stressed that the EU must exert pressure to address the current shortcomings in order to ensure the seamless implementation of the European vaccination plan. Placing particular emphasis on the Greek proposal for the adoption of a common European vaccination certificate, he stressed the need to move fast with its implementation in the near future so as to prevent fragmented solutions arising at the national level or from the private sector.With respect to EU-Turkey relations, which will also be discussed at the upcoming European Council meeting, Mr Varvitsiotis stressed that Turkey should demonstrate in a concrete manner its will to improve relations with the European Union and refrain from provocative actions. He reminded that, according to the Conclusions of the European Council, both a positive agenda and the measures necessary to defend the interests of the European Union and its Member States should be on the table.Referring to the Cyprus issue, Mr Varvitsiotis reiterated that the only acceptable solution is a bizonal, bicommunal federation on the basis of the relevant Resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.On the issue of migration, the Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs underlined that solidarity must be an integral part of the new Migration and Asylum Pact. Moreover, he expressed satisfaction over our country's cooperation with Frontex to date on the protection of Greece’s sea and land borders, which are also the borders of the European Union.Referring to the Recovery Fund, Mr Varvitsiotis stressed that the EU should not delay any decisions to release the funds so as not to jeopardise Europe’s economic recovery.Finally, Mr Varvitsiotis referred to Greece’s planned actions at the national level, in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe.