
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Interview of Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis on Thema 104.6 radio, with journalists Pantelis Kapsis and Dona Droutsa

“The great challenge we are facing is for the country to emerge stronger from the public health crisis, to capitalize on the opportunities given to us by the enormous Recovery Fund package, and to move ahead with the reforms for attracting investments to our country,” stressed Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis when asked about the cabinet reshuffle by journalists Pantelis Kapsis and Dona Droutsa on Thema 104.6 radio.Regarding the prospect of exploratory talks with Turkey, Mr. Varvitsiotis highlighted that, for both Greece and the European Union, these talks will be possible only if there is lasting de-escalation on the part of Turkey. He reiterated that Greece recognises only one dispute with Turkey – the delimitation of maritime zones – making it clear that matters of sovereignty are not up for negotiation and that if Turkey wants to introduce such matters to the talks, it will be responsible for the collapse of any effort to reach an understanding. Regarding the EU, Mr. Varvitsiotis pointed to five key successes of the past year: management of the Covid-19 pandemic; participation in funding of vaccinations, including joint purchasing and distribution; mutualisation of debt through the Recovery Fund; the decision on enlargement in the Western Balkans; and the achievement of a political agreement with the UK on Brexit.