
Thursday, January 21, 2021

Interview of Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis on THEMA 104.6 radio, with journalist Giannis Pretenteris

M. VARVITSIOTIS: The only thing we are discussing with Turkey is the delimitation of maritime zones In an interview on THEMA 104.6 radio with journalist Giannis Pretenteris, Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis discussed the upcoming exploratory talks between Greece and Turkey. Mr. Varvitsiotis highlighted that “it is vital for the climate that opened the way to the exploratory talks to be sustained. In other words, for there not to be an ongoing threat from Turkey.” Asked about the potential for expansion of the agenda for the Greek-Turkish talks beyond the issue of maritime zones, he ruled this out categorically, stressing that “We are absolutely clear on this. The only thing we are discussing with Turkey is the delimitation of maritime zones.” Regarding Cavusoglu’s visit to Brussels, the Alternate Minister underscored that Turkey has launched a “charm offensive” over the past month and a half. And this, he explained, is due to the decisions taken at the latest meeting of the European Council and the report to be presented by the Commission and Mr. Borrell at the European Council meeting of March 25. This report, he said, contains negative indications regarding Turkey in the sectors of human rights, the rule of law, good neighbourliness, free-market economy and combating corruption.