
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Coronavirus live news: India reports cases of UK Covid variant; Philippines extends travel bans

Latest updates: India finds six cases of UK variant; Philippines bans travel from 19 countries and territories until mid-January * Covid vaccine uptake high in UK despite concerns over hesitancy * UK doctors warn over ‘dire’ situation in health service as cases rise * The lost year: could Covid lockdown have helped save the planet? * South Africa bans alcohol sales; Spain sets up Covid vaccine register * See all our coronavirus coverage 12.14pm GMT The European Medicines Authority (EMA) will most likely not be able to approve the Covid-19 vaccine developed by drug maker AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford in January, the watchdog’s Deputy Executive Director Noel Wathion said. “They have not even filed an application with us yet”, Wathion said in an interview with Belgian newspaper Het Nieuwsblad published on Tuesday. 12.01pm GMT GREECE’S tourism sector is expected to recover next summer after a dramatic fall in revenues due to the coronavirus pandemic, a senior industry official said. Tourism is the main driver of Greece’s economy, accounting for about 20% of its output and employing one in five workers. How the sector fares is crucial for the country which emerged from its third international bailout in 2018 after a decade-long debt crisis, Reuters reports. Continue reading...