
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Coronavirus live news: Donald Trump will 'absolutely' encourage Americans to take vaccine, says press secretary

EU to bring forward decision on Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to 21 December; Turkey says 235 more people have died after a Covid diagnosis * UK medical journals call for tighter Christmas rules * How Covid changed science forever * South Korea: how early Covid competence gave way to second wave * Vaccines roll out of Pfizer plant in US but Trump not taking it yet * UK coronavirus updates - live 9.12pm GMT GREEK LAWMAKERS HAVE APPROVED A 2021 BUDGET BUILT AROUND WEAKER FORECASTS FOR A REBOUND FROM THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC. Latest projections see the Greek economy slumping 10.5% this year, worse than the 8.2% predicted in October. 8.19pm GMT PATIENTS WERE BEING TREATED IN THE BACK OF AMBULANCES IN A NORTHERN IRELAND HOSPITAL CAR PARK on Tuesday, a health official said, a day after a warning that Covid-19 was putting healthcare under “unbearable pressures”. Northern Ireland has been in and out of some form of lockdown since mid-October when it was one of Europe’s worst Covid-19 hot spots. The most recent curbs were lifted last week, when all shops, restaurants and pubs serving food reopened. They have varying degrees of ill patients. While I’ve been standing here I can see doctors and nurses going in and out of the back of ambulances. They are providing care and treatment in the back of ambulances. Continue reading...