
Friday, November 27, 2020

Coronavirus live news: Iran reports new daily infection record; Swiss advised against watching oom-pah bands

Singing and playing wind instruments ‘can increase risk of infection’, say Swiss authorities; Iran tightens pandemic measures by all but closing government offices * North Korean hackers ‘tried to disrupt vaccine efforts in South’ * US Covid cases and hospitalisations set records over Thanksgiving * Wife serenaded by her husband from outside hospital in Italy dies * Italian ski resort anxiously waits for Covid ban decision * UK coronavirus – latest updates 4.35pm GMT Justin Trudeau’s government is facing sharp criticism for its coronavirus vaccine rollout amid accusations that CANADA is falling behind its peers, writes LEYLAND CECCO in Toronto. In recent months, Trudeau has trumpeted a series of deals with major pharmaceutical companies— Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca—which gave Canada the highest per capita supply of vaccines in the world. 4.28pm GMT In CYPRUS authorities in the war-divided island’s south have followed GREECE and announced new curbs on movement including a nationwide nighttime curfew, HELENA SMITH reports from Nicosia. Against a backdrop of rising infection rates, the Greek Cypriot health minister, Constantinos Ioannou, said while the government had decided to end local lockdowns across the island’s entire south-west, it would introduce a nationwide nighttime curfew as of 30 November. Continue reading...