
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Coronavirus live news: Iran reports new case record; vaccine trials 'encouraging' says WHO

Iran says 13,352 more people tested positive in 24 hours; Seoul social distancing level raised to 1.5 * Chemicals in everyday products could hinder vaccine effectiveness * South Korea forced to tighten Covid measures * Pfizer trials vaccine delivery procedures in four US states * Moderna vaccine’s effectiveness bodes well for Oxford jab * UK coronavirus updates - live 12.45pm GMT Clashes have broken out in the GREEK capital between police and leftists attempting to mark the 47thanniversary of Athens’ Polytechnic uprising against military rule despite a ban on public gatherings because of the pandemic. Media outlets say at least two people have been injured and dozens arrested. KKE communist party supporters have accused police of using tear gas and stun guns to prevent them commemorating the anniversary. 12.40pm GMT Hello everyone. I am running the global live blog today, bringing you all the latest news on coronavirus from around the globe. Please do get in touch with me while I work to share any news tips. Twitter: @sloumarsh Instagram: sarah_marsh_journalist Email: Continue reading...