
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Praise be to travel companies with a 'no quibble' refund policy

As complaints escalate, there are some firms behaving righteously The travel industry has been lambasted for withholding refunds for cancelled holidays, but some companies are behaving righteously, despite tumbling profits. _AE_ of Telford writes: “When our holiday, booked with Hays Travel, was cancelled we were offered the same holiday for next year. We asked for a refund, instead. No arguments, no quibble – and a full refund was made before we were due to fly out. All credit to Hays Travel to be able to be so customer focused in such circumstances!” _SW_ of Coleraine, County Londonderry was also headed for Greece courtesy of Travel Editions. “When the balance was due, it advised me to hold back on payment pending a decision as to whether the holiday would proceed,” he writes. “It was given the go ahead, so I duly paid and booked a connecting flight to Gatwick and an airport hotel. Soon afterwards, it had to be cancelled. Travel Editions not only refunded the holiday cost immediately, it also paid me the £300 cost of my redundant connection and accommodation.” Continue reading...